About The Rake Hour Test:

For three days and three nights, my world has been a slow-burning terror. I just wanted to kick back in the forest. Sunbathe on the warm rocks. Mingle with the gentle deer and playful pigs that roam the valleys. Until the monster came. Soon, I was being spied on every moment. I could no longer luxuriate nude in the green grasses. I could no longer ride the pigs for amusement. It arrived in the belly of a metal beast. It’s glassy eyes spread throughout the woods. It raided and stole from the many places I had once frolicked. It lured and trapped my pig friends, only to bind more all-seeing eyes upon their delicate heads. At night, it would watch for me. Waiting so that it might make sport of hunting me. The first night, I wanted only to fall into slumber outside its many invasive eyes. I destroyed them as they hung suspended from the trees. Perhaps if I could make it understand that I only wanted my peace and privacy, it would leave. But alas, my efforts were in vain. By the next night, all damage would be repaired. The eyes continue to watch. I met my once-friend pig in the woods outside the monster’s encampment. My dear friend had succumbed to the monster’s evil. Its eyes stared dumbly back at me, even as that all-eye watched from atop a tortured head. I had no choice. I had to set my once-companion free. I whispered gently as I held his head in my arms, stroking the matted fur. I whispered of times now past. Of romps through the forest and friendship now gone. I twisted then, violently. His head came away in my arms. I wept bitterly, my tears salty in my throat. I left the body there. I could not bear the sight.

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